Administrative Bonds

In Priority we have the specialty in the construction sector that allows us to understand broadly the requirements in both insurance and bonds that are requested to carry out a job of procurement, maintenance, repair, building or similar for all contractors or builders.

Deposit bond

Guarantees the due investment, total or partial of all those amounts delivered to the guarantor or contractor for advance payment for the proper supply or execution of a work stipulated in a contract.

Compliance Bond

Guarantees that the obligations established in a work contract, order or purchase order are fulfilled in a timely manner.

Good quality bond and / or hidden defects

Guarantees to the beneficiary the good quality and / or hidden defects of the executed works, goods or merchandise delivered by the guarantor, supplier or contractor.

Contingent liabilities bond.

It guarantees the possible labor contingencies that may arise from the responsibilities of the suppliers or contractors, in relation to the labor claims demanded by their workers or employees and / or derived from the non-compliance with the payment of employer worker quotas.